Recently Issued CRNs (last 3 months) by Club

CRN Dog Name Breed Owner
5back to top
5280 Spaceballs
240749 Joey Jack/Russell Terrier Dana Block
240763 Poppy Mix Nora Glover
240765 Sporty Morty Mix Emma Joseph
Aback to top
Adrenaline Drive
240811 Minnow Border Collie Melissa Forsythe
240782 Dolly Australian Shepherd Ava Harsanyi
Alaska Dogs Gone Wild
250026 Zubi Mix Susannah Morales
All Revd Up
250012 7 Mix Sarah Riffe
250022 Hilde Mix Anne Savo
240798 Fidget Mix Dana Nichols
250038 MeNMy Maestro Dobel Mix Jackie Dishmon
Apupalyptic Flyball
250010 Mipha Mix Julia McAloon
250011 Enzo Australian Shepherd Rebeca Haro-Melendez
Arizona Supercharged
240732 Gunnie Mix Jonnie Geen
Bback to top
240771 Epic Border Collie Alicia Picon
BC Boomerangs
240759 Nellie Golden Retriever Mary Kettle
Big Orange Blast
240780 Theodora Welsh Corgi (Pembroke) Michaela ODell
240795 Six Border Collie Robin K Knuth
240796 Soozie Mix Pat Wilkins
Blockade Runners
240775 Jax Miniature American/Australian Sheph Susan Lowerre
Brat Pack
240767 Hans Mix Georgia Mallak
Breakaway Flyball
240726 Jessie Australian Shepherd Peter Muirhead
Cback to top
C.O.K.C. High Flyers
240730 Dryft Mix Brandi Sheppard
240817 Astro Mix Skye Kallen
Carolina Overdrive
240737 Lux Miniature Poodle Olivia Roop
240776 Snap! Mix Margi Baldwin Moore
Cascade Comets
240768 Beau Mix Sarah Rodgers
240810 Zuko Border Collie Brenna Peterson
Celtic Mayhem
240736 Queso Mix Jaimie Weber
Cruisin' K9s
240738 Bojangles Golden Retriever Mackenzie Radzik
Dback to top
Diamonds in the Ruff
240742 Bailey Mix Ivanna Nickel
Diggin Balls
240731 Scribble Collie (Smooth) Brooke Ludtke
Dirty Dogs
240723 Kezzie Border Collie Jason Howes
Disorderly Conduct
250028 Drama Belgian Malinois Kya Simpson
DONT Dog Owner Needs Therapy
240754 Asher Mix Miles Christian-Hart
240799 Mookie Australian Shepherd Marylou Carafello
240814 Blitzen Border Collie Melody Shinner
Droolin Dragsters
240757 Cody Welsh Corgi (Cardigan) Ember Paulk-McGinley
240758 Zoe Pomeranian Bonny Paulk
240778 Rosie Australian Cattle Dog Patricia Sutton
240779 Reba Australian Cattle Dog Patricia Sutton
250031 Rocking g J Red Riot Miniature American/Australian Sheph Shirle Rogers and Judy Hill
Eback to top
Elusive Flyball
240743 Stevie Mix Nancy Denier
240766 Lucid Border Collie Jeremiah Eriksen
250034 Lucy-fur Mix Kristen Clopp
Fback to top
240785 Sirius Australian Shepherd Darr Houssen
240788 Mavis Welsh Corgi (Pembroke) Santanna Hourihan
Fast Fourward
250036 Summer Miniature Poodle Trilainna Stanton
Fayetteville Freedom Flyers
240741 Echo Welsh Corgi (Pembroke) Anna Camacho
Fire & Ice
250003 Drift Mix Heather Shaver
250013 Juno Mix Caroline Studley
250015 Zorah Whippet Paralee Smith
FLX Flyball
250020 Max Border Terrier Bryan Claus
250021 Frank T. German Shepherd Dog Bryan Claus
250030 Soka Border Collie Christi Waldron
Flyball MAINEiacs
240729 Daisy Miniature American/Australian Sheph Lynda Devereaux
Freddy Flyers
240756 Phoenix German Coolie/Australian Koolie Amanda McKay
Frenzyed Flyers
240801 Amadeus Whippet Lynn Mitchell
Fur Fun
240722 Peekamoose Mix Sarah Dyer
Hback to top
Hairier Jump Jets
250052 Journey Shetland Sheepdog Andrea Colvin
Hatcher Passers
250048 Hank Border Collie Carol Thompson
Hawkeye Hustlers
240721 Evie Miniature American/Australian Sheph Jennifer Stevenson
Heads or Tails
240793 Raisin Silken Windhound Laura & Eric Berg
250004 Bazinga Miniature American/Australian Sheph CJ Fithian
250005 Slinky Miniature American/Australian Sheph CJ Fithian
250006 Deedle Miniature American/Australian Sheph CJ Fithian
250007 Maple Miniature American/Australian Sheph CJ Fithian
Here Comes the Fuzz
240812 Charleston Golden Retriever Gina Chapman
250035 Newt Mix Emma Register
High Octane Flyball
240773 Bear Mix Karen Funk
High Velocity
250047 Violence Mix Megan Hancock
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Jet City Jumpers
250009 Magic Mix Christy Munro
Kback to top
K-9 Thunder
240787 Lou Golden Retriever Victoria Wilhelm
K9 Turn 'N Burn
240761 Molly Labrador Retriever Anastasia Gentz
Kaotic K9's
240806 Marvellous Border Collie Faren Sandberg
Lback to top
Lake Effect
250027 Bing Mix Rebecca Hamilton
Like Magic
240760 Shea Border Collie Theresa Deutsch
Lone Star Ruffnecks
240807 Cita Welsh Corgi (Pembroke) Chester Beans
Mback to top
Makin' Trax
240739 Gus Border Collie Sara Nelson
240791 Emma Miniature Poodle Becky Dammann
Manic Menagerie
240808 Octavia Belgian Malinois Jessica Dunn
250008 Babu Papillon Katherine Anselm
Mass Chaos
250016 Kool Whippet Amanda Haldeman
250017 Be Pyrenean Shepherd Amanda Haldeman
Mission Uproar
240734 Dex Border Collie Megan Gard
240790 Jane Border Collie Lisa Kersey-Wagner
Muddy Paws-A-Flyin'
240724 Trex Mix Catherine Thagard
240792 Dilly Staffordshire Bull Terrier April Stratton
250045 Hoss Australian Shepherd Shyann Peterson
Mutter Chaos
240727 Meeko Mix Gretchen Meyer
Nback to top
New River Express
250040 Kelp Australian Cattle Dog Erin James-Crook
New River Rapids
250001 Miryam Mix Sharon Harrell
250014 Auggie Australian Shepherd Tanya Hypes
Northern Power Paws
240762 Shiloh Mix Ron Tatarniuk
Oback to top
Omaha Speed Racers
240733 Kazooie Mix Shannon Alfer
240794 Shyloh Mix Mary Palmer
250033 Wink Mix Crystal Cappel
On My Go!
240750 Sherman Australian Cattle Dog Crystal Carson
240755 Sloan Australian Shepherd Shelby Hallihan
On the Flipside
240789 Venom Mix Mya Mackey
Organized Crime
240784 Falkor Mix Lori Robertson
Pback to top
Pawmetto Pack
240751 JaeDee Mix Joelyn Busenburg
Pawz Across Texas
240804 Coyote Mix Kelly Kelly
Pretty Darn Quick
250044 Hugo Whippet Sue and Rich LANG
250046 Ricky Border Collie Denise Gregg
250053 Scene Border Collie Robbie Stevenson
Qback to top
Quantum Leap
250024 Howdy Whippet Michelle Banse
250025 Sin City's Ruthless Whippet Mike Smith
Queen City Road Runners
240747 Rheena Labrador Retriever Kelsey Gardner
250051 Niffler Mix Emily Eastham
Rback to top
Redline Dogsports
240786 Prime Mix Shaelynn Lichter
Ruff Enuff
240809 B.O.L.O Mix Melissa Rustin
Ruff Position
240740 BONES Mudi Molly Berenson
Ruff Riders
240748 Smidgen Mix Diane Mapes
Ruffin' It
240800 Lyric Labrador Retriever Jen Pavillard
250023 Wainwright American Hairless Terrier Bryan Roper
Ruffin' Tuff
250002 Feldspar Whippet Chris Eddy
250019 Lotus Staffordshire Bull Terrier Karyn Marcil
Sback to top
250043 Dallas Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Judi Ruff
Seattle FlyDogs
240744 Flynn Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Susan Sibert
240746 Remi Border Collie Robert Bianchetto
240752 Rush Siberian Husky Zi Huq
240753 Daisy Chesapeake Bay Retriever Andrew and Rasena Wager
240781 Salty Mix Nicole Ortz
240813 Coast Whippet Gillian Cochrane
Soda City Bottle Rockets
250042 Raya Dutch Shepherd Kristina Cummings
250049 Maze American Hairless Terrier Kelly Whittington
Some Ruff Competition
240802 Oliver Welsh Corgi (Pembroke) Erin Bienkowski
Stack Attack
250037 Ripp Labrador Retriever Matthew Clements
Stumptown Racers
240745 Albus Mix Joey Sandvig
240764 Nitro Mix Jordyn Paul
Surf City Flyball
250029 Rombauer Doberman Pinscher Erika Heine
240774 Appleton’s Unexpected Talent Mix Paige Appleton
Synergetic Surge
240783 Pookie Mix Diamond Ruman
Tback to top
Tampa Bay Barkaneers
240777 Charlie Mix Tracey Needham
Terminal Velocity
240735 Screech Mix Carla Parravani
Texas Twisters
240816 Milo Border Collie Lisa McClure
That's So Fetch
250041 Hamburglar Miniature Bull Terrier Hannah Bauchat
The X-Fidos
240805 Jax Labrador Retriever Zane Odem
Total Chaos
240728 Intervention Border Collie Brihanna Contreras
Turbo Paws
250039 Sage Miniature American/Australian Sheph Cayley Bridges
Two-Lane Highway
250032 Emi Boykin Spaniel Skyelar Lattimore
Uback to top
Unassigned Members
240797 Sonic Mix Patricia Filomena Diaz Johnson
240803 Butterscotch Ripple Mix Anne Martin
250018 Tori Mix Shari Glickman
250054 Ambrosia Miniature American/Australian Sheph Amy and Jamen Stewart
Underdogs Flyball
240770 Cadet Pointer Jen & Matt West
240769 Raven Mix Morgan Williams
Wback to top
Wicked Runners
240725 Leonardo Australian Cattle Dog Vanessa Pagan
Woodlawn Woofers
250050 Tide Border Collie Kaylea Roberts
Xback to top
240772 Serial Border Collie Colleen Morita
Zback to top
240815 Bolt Mix Roxanne Tuck

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